Sest Senat


Sest Senat

The Social Service (Sest) and the national cooperative learning service (Senat) are non-profit civil entities created in order to enhance the transport sector workers.

The institutions were founded in September 14, 1993, by Law 8706, from a process of awareness in the industry and the unions. The National Confederation of transport, with the legal support, was responsible for creating the Sest Senat and, since then, organizes and administers the institution.

In the social area, the Sest Senat is responsible for managing, developing and supporting programs that value for the welfare of workers in areas such as health, culture, recreation and safety at work. In the educational area, the focus turns to learning programs, including preparation, training, further training and professional training.

The Environmental Master held:

  • EIV – neighborhood impact study for the unit of Maringá;
  • Environmental regularization of Permanent preservation area in Chapecó-SC.

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Founded in 1946, the Industry Social Service supports Paraná industries promoting health quality improvement for workers. One of the SESI principles is the sustainable development of the industrial sector.

Master Ambiental realized a neighborhood impact study for a SESI school and an environmental feasibility studies and constructive land potential.

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Fazenda da Ilha


Fazenda da Ilha

Located in Embu Guaçu – SP. Our company provided the following services:

  • Environmental assessment;
  • Fauna and flora inventory;
  • Ecological hiking trail project;
  • Maps;
  • Solid waste management plan.

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Razzo Company works with agro-industry, hygiene and cleaning products.

Master Ambiental elaborated a neighborhood impact study.

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Raul Fugêncio

Raul Fulgêncio

Raul Fugêncio

Raul Fulgêncio is the largest real estate company in northern Paraná. Master Ambiental provided environmental consultancy for Raul Fulgêncio enterprises, such as the Ecomarket Palhano, Londrina ground zero comples, providing:

  • LEED Certification;
  • Environmental licensing;
  • Construction waste management;
  • Solid waste management plan.

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Prefeitura de Apucarana

Apucarana City Hall

Prefeitura de Apucarana

Master Ambiental held a environmental control plan of the Municipal Park da Redenção in Apucarana City Hall.

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Prefeitura de Ibiporã

Ibiporã City Hall – SAMAE municipal water and sewer service

Prefeitura de Ibiporã

Master Ambiental provided:

  • PGIRS – solid waste management program;
  • Implementation and monitoring of the selective waste collection;
  • Environmental education programs.

Waste collection system and separation – An environmental solution for Ibiporã city garbage

Master Ambiental has been responsible for the selective collection program of Ibiporã, including the deployment of the new campaign and the monitoring, which has lasted more than two years and enables every month to obtain waste segregation performance indicators.

Before the selective system, the landfill was with full capacity; virtually all the waste that arrived was not separated. In September 2009, SAMAE, hired a third-party company and signed a term of reference in conjunction with environmental agencies and Prosecutors to figure out a selective waste collection of organics and recyclable waste. The city was divided into 3 sectors and 3 types of collection were inserted in an alternate program.

Master was also responsible for the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan (PMGIRS), with the publication of a solid waste municipal policy (Municipal law nº2449 – April 2011), in live with the Law 12.305/2010 requirements. The municipal law makes it mandatory for waste segregation expressly and establishes private responsibility of large solid waste generators.

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Prefeitura de Ortigueira

Ortigueira City Hall

Prefeitura de Ortigueira

With a population of about 25 thousand people, the municipality of Ortigueira lies in the region of Campos Gerais Paraná.

Master Ambiental held a PGIRS – solid waste management plan.

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Prefeitura de Maringá

Maringá City Hall

Prefeitura de Maringá

Our company is conducting a series of environmental projects for an Urban Mobility Program of Maringá: Environmental control plan, environmental education and urban afforestation projects.

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Prefeitura de Ibaiti

Ibaiti City Hall

Prefeitura de Ibaiti

Master Ambiental worked on an integrated solid waste management plan, and is implementing the selective collection in the city of Ibaiti

Selective collection of Ibaiti

Master Ambiental has been hired by the municipality of Ibaiti, to manage the selective waste collection implementation throughout the city. The selective collection project, initiated at the end of 2011, aims to adapt the public waste collection by the parameter of the new national solid waste policy (Law 12.305/2010).

The selective collection is based on the waste segregation by the population into three types, enabling sorting and marketing of recyclable materials by a cooperative of recyclable materials collectors.

Master worked to identify and qualify the collectors and the cooperative organization, structure and logistics of collection. Also worked on the architectural projects of the operational building and the composting system, necessary for environmental appropriate disposal of recyclable waste and organic.

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