

cliente-viracoposViracopos International Airport, located at Campinas – SP, has an area that covers 9 thousand square meters and server approximately 9 million passengers per year. Currently the airport is expanding its runway, and at the end will occupy 21 thousand square meters, providing services for more than 14 million people per year.

Master Ambiental provides the consultancy necessary to obtain the installation license of the second runway. Master responsibility focus on the presentation of the necessary environmental programs according to the previous license, which was issued based on EIA-RIMA, 2010, prepared under the responsibility of Infraero.

Among all the studies provided by Master, is the basic environmental plan (PBA), composed of:

  • Management plan and environmental control;
  • Social communication plan;
  • Forest recovery plan and protected areas strengthening;
  • Fauna monitoring plan;
  • Environmental education plan;
  • Urban interference monitoring, traffic safety, accident prevention and traffic operational management.

In addition to the second runways studies, Master Ambiental is responsible for the preliminary environmental report for a railway line diversions that is currently on the runway way.


Triunfo Construtora

The Triunfo Construtora bcliente-triunfo-constutoraelong to the Triunfo Group, which works with highway concessions, harbor administration, energy generation and airport administration on eight states: Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Goiás e Amazonas.

For Triunfo Construtora, Master Ambiental had developed the following services:

  • Environmental control plan;
  • Environmental licensing: license for installation and operation.

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RWA Logistics


RWA logistics is a logistics provider which works in various economy segments, with international companies in more than 60 countries.

Master Ambiental provided environmental consultancy and developed a exemption of environmental licensing for the company.

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Odebrecht hired Master Ambiental services to implement the concept of sustainable working sites in the highway Jundiaí-Itatiba, administrated by the Concessionária Rota das

The proposal for sustainable working site includes three phases:

  1. Diagnose and adjustments, concerning energy usage, water and solid waste generation;
  2. Diagnose, with CDP methodology;
  3. Proposal of actions that can be differential in sustainability during the highway administration.


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Duke Energy


The electric company Duke Energy International Geração Paranapanema has 2.241 MW of installed capacity, spread over eight hydroelectric power plants along 900 km of the Paranapanema River.

Master Ambiental has been hired to perform diagnostics on environmental quality around Rosana and Chavantes dams. Among the services, Master provided:

  • Floristic survey and vegetation monitoring around the Chavantes hydroelectric plant reservoir;
  • Evaluation if the previous reforestation actions carried out;
  • Fauna and flora survey and monitoring, in order to ensure environmental health and legality of the environmental projects of the Chavantes and Rosana power plants, covering 620 km2.

banner-jardim-botanico-duque-2-3Master Ambiental also elaborated and coordinated an environmental education plan in the Londrina Botanical garden, sponsored by Duke Energy for the Secretary of State and the Environmental and Water Resources – SEMA. Repair and improvements were made for public reception, which made possible the opening.

The environmental education aims to arouse the reflection on the public and encourage attitudes and behaviors on behalf of environmental conservation, it consist on a new visitors center, which was renovated and equipped with audiovisual room.

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Viapar manages 546.53 kilometers of highways in Paraná, and its granting is for 24 years.

The company has six toll stations, which are in Arapongas, Mandaguari, Presidente Castelo Branco, Floresta, Campo Mourão and Corbélia. The company also has seven operational bases, six of which are next to the tolls and one in Ubiratã, 2 fixed scales, 1 in Nova Esperança and Peabiru.

Master Ambiental provided the following services:

  • Environmental control plan (PCA), necessary for obtaining the installation license by the Environmental Institute of Paraná (IAP), for the construction works in the highway BR 376.
  • Floristic inventory required for obtaining authorization for vegetation suppression.


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The highway network administrated by Econorte coverts 341 km, divided into five segments, three state highways and two nationals: PR-323, PR-445, PR-090 and BR-369, BR-153.

These highways segments connects fifteen cities in the north of Paraná. The company operates three toll plazas located in Jacarezinho, Jataizinho and Sertaneja.

Master Ambiental has been hired by Econorte for:

  • Preliminary environmental impacts study for a base environmental licensing by the Environmental Institute of Paraná (IAP) of the Northern Londrina Boundary Highway. With 30 km, the highway will connect Ibiporã to Cambé avoiding urban area;cliente-pr-445
  • Environmental management during the highway PR-445 construction and duplication between Cambé and Tiradentes Avenue in Londrina;
  • Environmental control plan of highway PR-445, between km 87-97;
  • Renewal of the PR-445 installation license;
  • Treatment and final disposal diagnose of sanitary waste of eight operational bases and three toll plazas on BR-369, BR-153 and BR-323.
  • Elaboration of hydrological study to determine flow rates that contributes to erosion on highway PR-862.
  • Water resources granting of five wells located at the support bases of Sertaneja, Sertanópolis, Jataizinho, Cornélio Procópio and Cambará – PR.

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The highway BR-277 is an important drainage rout that crosses Paraná, connecting Mato Grosso do Sul, the largest grains producer in Brazil, to the Paranaguá harbor. In addition, the highway is one of the main roads to the Iguaçu Falls, and to others countries in Latin America, through the Paraná border with Paraguay and Argentina.

Master Ambiental provided the following services for Ecocataratas:

Highway BR-277

Km 731-344, between Foz do Iguaçu – PR and Guarapuava:

  • Environmental noise report;
  • Natural light measurement at the toll plazas, SAU’s, scales, duplicating works and headquarters.

Km 643-660, between Matelândia and Céu Azul. Km 584-595 and Km 584-569, in Cascavel:

  • Floristic survey;
  • License for vegetation removal in the area;

Environmental licensing for km 569 duplication, between toll plaza and Iguaçu Falls:

  • Duplication monitoring;
  • Environmental programs report;
  • Environmental report;
  • Environmental consultancy for a flooding drainage system in São Miguel do Iguaçu – PR.

Studies on the identification and implementation of devices for environmental accidents prevention in 281 km on highway, between the towns of Foz do Iguaçu and Guarapuava.

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CCR Group


CCR Group is responsible for 2.437 highways kilometers, in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Paraná.

Master Ambiental provides environmental consultancy for the following branches:




  • Environmental monitoring of the highway BR-163/MS construction.



CCR Ponte


Access to the Rio Niterói Bridge, in Niterói:

  • Authorization to cut isolated trees;
  • Environmental licensing.

Viaduct connecting Rio Niterói Bridge and the Red Line, in Rio de Janeiro:

  • Environmental licensing;
  • Water and soil surveys;
  • PGRCC – construction waste management plan.

CCR RodoNorte



  • Environmental licensing for the PR-151 and PR-092 intersection, in Jaguariaíva – PR.

BR-376 km 243-254

  • Floristic inventory;
  • PCA – Environmental control plan;
  • Installation license renewal.

BR-376 km 456-465

  • 67 water resources grants.

BR-277, BR-376, PR-151 and BR-373

  • Environmental monitoring of 567 highway kilometers;
  • PGRCC – waste management plan concerning duplication works in Apucarana – PR.

CCR ViaLagos


Operation license renewal.

Highway RJ-124 km 0-57

  • Regularization of support areas;
  • Project aiming to vegetation cut authorization;
  • Project for APP intervention;
  • Water grants by the INEA.

Highway RJ-124 km 30-33

  • Project for APP intervention;
  • Inventory for trees removal.

CCR NovaDutra


    • Environmental licenses consultancy for marginal routes construction in highway Presidente Dutra;
    • Project for environmental clearance for trees cutting and APP intervention;
    • Bridge and culverts hydraulics projects.

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NBC Architecture

nbc-arquitetura2Master Ambiental has elaborated the following environmental projects for NBC:

  • RIV – Traffic impact report required by the DF Government for approval of the building design of the Ministry of Finance in Brasilia;
  • RAP – Preliminary environmental report for the Universidade Federal do ABC – UFABC – Santo André campus.



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