Master Ambiental
Empresa de Consultoria Ambiental
Master Ambiental is an environmental engineering and Consulting Company that carries out projects throughout the country, with the commitment to promote the best interest of the clients and to the environment, providing guidance for compliance with environmental legislation, seeking to promote a sustainable development.
Master Ambiental also works with Environmental Agencies to regularize the client business as soon as possible.
Master Ambiental has a multidisciplinary team in the areas of engineering, geography, architecture, economics, law, biology, geology, agronomy and chemistry, among others. The technical staff has extensive experience in corporate business-construction, industrial and commercial, in addition to remain permanently up to date on environmental legislation in local, state and federal levels.
Currently Master Ambiental has headquarters in Londrina, PR and employees in the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul.
The company is coordinated by the civil engineer, specialist in environmental planning and management and master’s degree in construction and sanitation, Fernando João Rodrigues de Barros, , CREA RJ 27.699/D.
In Paraná, Master Ambiental is registered in the following Environmental Agencies:
- Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis – IBAMA: 3354730.
- Conselho Regional de Engenharia, Arquitetura e Agronomia – CREA PR: 42984.